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It's been a message of try

When no one seem to know how to try

It's hard to work out without understanding

In the dark shadow places

The place of strange

Where everything looks new

It term to be time of trials

When tears and hard work turn the solution

It's not all what they say

It's about trying until it work out

When shall we cease wind blow

When the time of trials is on

It's dead outlook and live inside

Brave soul of no fear of lion

The voice heard in the jungle

The place of dangers

The only place hunter try to give out bow accompanied by arrow

The moments of trials where learning

It's meant for mistakes

How far the dove move without wind blow

The seemingly soul of peace

When all that tries gains the outcome of trials

Then in the end it term time of trials

That no one knows the outcome.

@ by Kenneth singoyi


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In life we can only make a difference if we accept to adapt in new things .Then,through trials we give out each day at a time we can make a huge difference if we accept that our mistake we make each day they are meant to teach us to think that they are trials to perfect us and this will only work out if we understand in learning from our mistakes.Hard work is a move to trials then difference it's shown later.

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